Yes, I'm getting really bad about this. I actually had to go back and look at the post before this to see when it was, and then figure out what we'd done since then. My first thought is always, "well nothing, just regular life". Kinda like when I get home from work and Christy asks me what happened that day. I generally don't remember stuff that happens day-to-day, much less over the course of 3 months. Fortunately, Christy is better than I am at this stuff, so she just gave me a list of all the stuff we've done since we last spoke...
To the beach!
This one, I actually did remember. Going on vacation is momentous enough that it tends to stick in my mind. Some friends of ours were attending a wedding in Destin, FL, and at the last minute found out that the set of grandparents who were supposed to join them to watch the kids would be unable to go. So, on Thursday I got an email asking if we wanted to stay in the extra room in their condo on the beach. Um, yes? On Friday, we left. It was pretty awesome. The weather was beautiful, even when it rained. It was early May, so it wasn't too hot yet. And it also happened to be a wedding involving my sister's husband's family, which means that we got to hang out with them, his awesome family, and David's cousins for 4 days.
We did let David play in the ocean too much on the first day and he got a little blue-ish, but he was fine once he warmed back up. The rest of the time he and mom (and all the in-law family) spent loving the sand and the surf, while dad (me) stayed in the condo listening to the waves and catching up on his reading. Fun times.
The rest of the stuff from the last 3 months involves staying in town and me still having to go to work every day, which in my mind makes it just regular, uninteresting life. But after Christy listed off a few things, I realized that there were at least pictures of things, so there must be actual events behind those pictures.
Mom's company had their annual crawfish boil in late April, which we all enjoyed. There were several kids there for him to play with. David loves other kids, so he had a great time with them and with the sidewalk chalk that someone bought for the kids to play with. A few weeks later, Christy's brother boiled crabs at her mom's house for mother's day. I'm not sure that David knew what to think of the crabs, but he did like the hotdogs that were boiled with them.
A couple weeks later David assisted us in crushing the competition in the Louisiana Republican Caucus, where Ron Paul candidates won 75% of the available delegate slots to the state convention. I think I'm going to get him a shirt that says "Don't blame me, I voted for Ron Paul". David is pretty politically savvy, I'm always impressed by his understanding of the constitution and the importance of freedom.
Then, a couple of weeks ago, grandpa (my dad) came to visit for a weekend. It's funny, David is always unsure of him at first, but warms up when he realizes that Grandpa will take him outside. Or give him food. So we spent lots of time with him, and with G-Gma (my grandma) who is moving to Texas.
And finally, this weekend, Christy's step-sister came to town with her husband and 3 kids, so David got to meet them for the first time. Like I said before, he loves other kids, so he is enjoying the time being spent with them.
So I guess we've been keeping busy, and David has been having lots of fun, causing lots of trouble, and generally just being awesome. Right now, he's eating ice cream and watching Finding Nemo with mom. Life is pretty grand.