Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Infamous Daisy Video

I thought we had already sent this out, but it appears not.  This is a video of David meeting mom's dog.  He found it entertaining:

Christy has also started a Youtube channel that she plans on uploading any other interesting videos to:
David Videos

There's also a perma-link of that on the sidebar.

Friday, January 28, 2011

David is 6 months old!

No sooner do I start this thing before I have a reason to use it.  Christy IMed me and asked for a new 6 months to present album to start dumping pictures into, so here it is:

David - 6 months to present

I'm not planning on posting here every time we add pictures (since christy does it like 12 times a day), but if you'd like notification I think you can subscribe or become a fan or something to the picasa account and it will automatically send you an email every time there are new pictures.

Also notice that I've added a list of perma-links to the picasa albums on the right hand sidebar, so you won't have to look through all of the posts to find them.

While I'm at it, I'll also do a quick "how he's doing" update -

We had a cardiologist appointment last week where he did an echo and all of that good stuff.  He said everything looks really good and scheduled us to come back in 3 months.  Basically, we have a normal baby now.  They told us in the hospital that after the Glenn surgery you kinda have a newborn all over again, simply because all of the constant worry and monitoring is over and you can just take care of your baby like normal.  It's true, and we're enjoying the hell out of it.

David is continuing to do well in general - he's sitting on his own, starting to eat some solid foods (well, if you consider grain mush "solid"), and just figured out how to roll over from his tummy to his back yesterday, although he hates being on his tummy in the first place.  He is sleeping for several hour stretches at night, sometimes even 8+ hours.  He loves being outside; he loves chewing on anything and everything.  He's pretty much happy and fun as long as he's not hungry or tired.  He gets the former from his mom and the latter from his dad.  We got to go back to church for the first time this past Wednesday, and David absolutely loved it.  We were a little worried that the loud music would scare him, but as soon as it started he started his excitement wiggle - I think he likes music.  All in all, Christy and I don't have any complaints, and David doesn't seem to either.

So that's it for now.  We'll talk to you soon...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Transitioning e-tools...

I was telling someone last night that they were welcome to forward around the updates that I've been sending out.  Then it occurred to me that there might not be an update any time soon, and that it would be really weird for all of you to get an email in 3 or 4 years letting you know that it was time for the third surgery.  Plus, I've been needing a single online spot that everyone could bookmark that could then direct you to new photoalbums, etc., since the current ones have gotten rather large and unwieldy.  So anyway, this is that spot.  I've turned all of the RSS stuff on, so you can just stick the feed in your favorite RSS reader (or Facebook, I think there's a way to do that) and any new posts here will just go there.  Or you can just check it periodically, that works too.  The layout is in-progress, I'm sure Christy will tinker with it to make it look better than it does now.

I plan on archiving all of the old emails here too, in case anyone needs to get up to speed.  That will be in a later post.

The picture albums are still here and here .  I'll post an update to this blog if/when we re-organize picasa.

Ta ta for now...