Today was the 12 month visit, only the third since we got back from surgery #2. David’s gotten a lot better about all of the poking and prodding, and is a complete pimp with the nurses. I wish there had been light in the room where they did the echocardiogram, because he was flirting like crazy with the technician. For the first several months of his life, he absolutely hated things like EKGs and having his blood pressure taken.

As for the doctor visit part, the cardiologist seemed quite happy with how David is progressing. David is still right on or around the 5% growth curve (bigger than only 5% of babies his age), which I think is ok as long as he’s staying on that curve. Which he has. His blood oxygen saturation is still good (low 90%, normal is 100%), his blood pressure is good, and all of the things that they looked for in his echo were what they wanted to see. The doctor even told us that David has a really nice head of hair - apparently one of the indicators that a person’s heart is having trouble is that the hair on his head will get thin and brittle. Which David’s is not.
Everything else is still going quite well. David has a

One year old is coming pretty quickly. I can’t believe that my baby is almost a toddler! Next thing I know he will be leaving for college. Oh well, I guess nothing lasts forever. I wonder when I should start nagging him about grandbabies...
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