No sooner did I post the administrative note, than we went to put David to bed. For some reason unknown to anyone but him, he loves chewing on my fingers. Nobody else's fingers, just mine. For the past few days I've not been letting him do it, as all 3 of us are mildly ill at the moment. But he had been trying to get them in his mouth all evening, and I'd just washed my hands, so I figured it was ok.

*scrape scrape
"Umm, Christy, I'm pretty sure I feel a tooth"
"Oh no, my baby!"
We had just been talking about how little we want him to grow up (crawl, walk, CUT TEETH), and he goes and does it. Oh well, such is life I guess. Gummy smile was never here to stay.
I appreciate the new "hope" picture of david. I did one of those of Izzy. It was quite cute.